UA Tiny Adventure - Securing Framing Part 1

This quick Unpack Adventure’s Tiny Adventure video recaps securing the first lower wall sections which will be a part of the kitchen and bathroom. Six Slash utilized salvaged 2×4’s and 2×6’s for all the framing and that is something we are real proud of.

Before we dive right in,  a miraculous positive revelation subsequent to the first video was that Torque was found!!! After 15 days of being lost, Torque was luckily found and although in really rough and bad shape, he was able to fully recovery and heal mentally and physically from his very trying ordeal. Torque has been and is super interested in the tiny house build and is stoked about his cozy future tiny house living! Click on either of the pictures to read the write up about the incident, our struggle and heartbreak not being able to find Torque and then finally the joy of finding him!

Rescued Torque 3

This is where Torque was found in Liberty State Park after being lost for 15 days. Poor little guy but we have him back!

Rescued Torque

Torque safe and sound back in Six Slash’s arms! Happy pup!









Now to the real crux of this post, framing! We wanted to post this really quick video of Six Slash and his awesome helpers, his mom Cathy and dad Tony, securing the first framing wall sections.  Framing was a very long and arduous process, one where Six Slash framed almost everything by hand, which was not ideal or efficient but sometimes in life you just have to make the best of what you have. The excitement of finally being able to secure the first walls and actually start to see the shape and structure that will be the Tiny Adventure tiny house was so amazing.

Enjoy this quick video securing the first framing walls and make sure to follow along as we continue the Tiny Adventure build process!


Six Slash

Written by Six Slash
A Pennsylvania native who has spent his entire life exploring the North East and the wonderful outdoor adventures it has to offer. Always striving to be more self-reliant and sustainable helps drive his passion for the outdoors, organics, DIY/preparedness skills and an overall conscious life. In addition to escaping to the woods as much as possible, the culmination of his recent hiking adventures was a 2014 thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. Along the way he was able to fully test his and other’s hiking gear and learn what worked and what didn’t. If anyone has any interest in completing a thru-hike, section hike or just have some general questions you want to ask, don’t hesitate to email him at