Never Forget…

This website is about hiking, backpacking and outdoor adventures but without the men and women who have served for our country, I would not be able to write this blog post and we would not be able to share the amazing experiences of exploring nature and the outdoors. I am forever thankful for their service and will never forget the events of September 11th, for it was that day that we learned how terrible things could be.

I woke up this morning feeling great after having had a solid, restful night of sleep. The ability to feel safe in a peaceful and serene environment is my driving force behind hiking, backpacking and all of my outdoor adventures. With that said, we also need to realize that this feeling of being “safe” is not shared by everyone all over the world and on September 11th, 2001, we immediately realized how bad things “could be.” I will never take the luxury of feeling safe or my freedom as a US citizen for granted. I am so thankful for all the past, present and future military personnel that have sacrificed for this country and ensure our ability as citizens to live free of tyranny, oppression and in relative safety. Thank you.

Last night on the eve of September 11th, there were fireworks booming off in the distance and I could see the brilliant explosions and flares just behind New York City. Even with that spectacular show in the background, I found myself fixated on the two memorial beams of light shining so bright and almost endlessly into the night sky where the World Trade Center towers once stood. On my Appalachian Trail thru-hike I made it my top priority to be able to see the NYC skyline on September 11th. I was heading south on the Appalachian Trail at the time and was able reach camp at West Mountain Shelter in Harriman State Park; which is probably an hour north of New York City, on the western side of the Hudson river. I wanted to be able to see the memorial lights at Ground Zero and be thankful for the ability to reflect on the tragic events of that day in such a beautiful place.  I was able to see the NYC skyline and the September 11th memorial beams off in the far distance and as the night grew darker and darker, I slowly slipped off into sleep in my hammock, blissfully aware of how thankful I am for the peace and serenity I am able to enjoy.

Pictures from September 11th 2016:

September 11th Memorial Lights

September 11th Memorial Lights from my Jersey City apartment. Never forget.

Pictures from September 11th 2014, West Mountain Shelter:

NYC Skyline from West Mountain Shelter

NYC skyline off in the distance (apologies for poor quality but only had an iPhone 4s on my AT thru-hike and it was very hazy).

September 11th 2014 Sunset

Sunset on September 11th 2014 from West Mountain Shelter, NY.

Happy Trails.

– Six Slash


Written by Six Slash
A Pennsylvania native who has spent his entire life exploring the North East and the wonderful outdoor adventures it has to offer. Always striving to be more self-reliant and sustainable helps drive his passion for the outdoors, organics, DIY/preparedness skills and an overall conscious life. In addition to escaping to the woods as much as possible, the culmination of his recent hiking adventures was a 2014 thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. Along the way he was able to fully test his and other’s hiking gear and learn what worked and what didn’t. If anyone has any interest in completing a thru-hike, section hike or just have some general questions you want to ask, don’t hesitate to email him at